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I would like to take this time to thank my husband Jason and children Bailley and Bayden for being patient and understanding as I have been working hard on this learning adventure. My time has been limited and they are always there for me and also thanks to God for giving me strength and courage to work hard and be committed to my education and the current and future education of all of my students who mean the world to me, as does my family. Also thanks to the state of South Dakota and the Chester Area School Board and our superintendent Mark Greguson for allowing me to seek my master's degree and for helping fund my master's degree and for making it possible for me to have this opportunity to make this dream a reality. Also a special thanks goes out to all of the professors that have put forth the extra effort to work with our Chester cohort and make this a reality for so many of us. A special thanks goes out to my advisor Loye Romerheim-Holmes for her commitment, expertise and understanding in always answering my numerous questions that I have had. It has been a privilege to be your student. Also a special thanks to Kathryn Penrod who I have had the privilege of being a student under as I have pursued both my undergraduate and graduate degrees here at South Dakota State University. I feel it a privilege and honor to be born here in American where I am able to get the opportunities to learn in a free country where anything is possible!

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