Lesson Title:  Lesson 5 - Traveling
Lesson Subtitles:  Planning a Trip, Making Reservations, Asking for Directions
Topic Area: 
Spanish II – Conversational Dialogues
Grade Level:  10th & 11th Grade

Created by:

Velda Schneider

Total Time:

5 class periods

Lesson Overview/Summary


Students will learn about how to plan for a trip, how to make reservations and how to ask for directions.  Students will create travel brochures in which they will help other people plan trips to other Spanish speaking countries.  They will work on planning techniques, and how to make reservations and they will later work with asking for directions.

Students Will Understand

Students will understand the importance of learning practical Spanish dialogues that are used in real-life situations.  Students will learn to understand the differences and similarities between our 2 cultures and how that has shaped the cultures that we live in today.

Essential Questions

How do I know what Spanish speaking country I want to go visit and why?
Will I be able to speak with Spanish Hotels in order to make my reservations?
Will I be able to make side-excursion reservations on my own?
Will I know how to ask for directions in Spanish once I get to my travel destination?

Standard Based Goals & Objectives

  Standard 2:  My Spanish II students will gain knowledge and understanding of other people and cultures through the study of the Spanish language. 
     Benchmark 2.1c: 
My Spanish II students will consistently respond an   interact according to the accepted cultural practices of the Spanish language. 
Standard 1: 
Students will communicate in a world language for multiple purposes within various contexts.   
     1.1 Students will use oral and written language to provide information, exchange ideas, and explain concepts in formal and informal communications. 
     Benchmark 1.1a:  Students will initiate, sustain and conclude conversations with others in various social situations.  
     Benchmark 1.1b:Students will interpret, and respond to information on a wide variety of topics. 
     Benchmark 1.1c:  Students will prepare various forms of

Prerequisite Skills & Key Knowledge:

My Spanish II class will have to have a developed understanding of the present and preterit tenses.
The understanding of how to communicate with another culture.
Skills necessary to go through the math to do an exchange rate of U.S. currency and pesos or pesetas.
The basic Spanish vocabulary to help develop better sentence fluency.

Special Considerations:  

  Resource students will be grouped with other strong skilled Spanish students to help them create their brochures and organize their information.


Students will be assessed the travel brochures that they will create using Word and the presentation of them.