Essential Questions Overview
Lesson 1 -7

Lesson 1
How do I locate customs and will they exchange money?
How to use the proper phrases when exchanging money?
How to use a passport and go through customs?
What phrases do I use when going through an immigration checkpoint?
How will I know the currency exchange rate?
Lesson 2
How do I locate a taxi and how do I explain where I want them to go?
How to use proper phrases when asking for directions?
How do you pay the taxi bill and understand the exchange rate?
How do I find a movie theater and ask what's showing and how much
the tickets cost?
Lesson 3
How do I find a hotel in a Spanish speaking country?
How do I ask how much the rooms are?
How do I learn the proper phrases necessary to check in and out of
a hotel?
How do I order room service?
Lesson 4
What are the proper words to use in an introduction.
What are the proper gestures to use when meeting someone for the first time.
Should I speak formally, or informally?
What are the proper things to speak about when you first meet someone.  (not politics, religion, etc...)
Lesson 5
How do I know what Spanish speaking country I want to go visit and why?
Will I be able to speak with Spanish Hotels in order to make my reservations?
Will I be able to make side-excursion reservations on my own?
Will I know how to ask for directions in Spanish once I get to my travel destination?
Lesson 6
How will I know what special foods belong to which Spanish speaking countries?
How will I know how to create menus and create a restaurant type of atmosphere?
What is typical of a lunch and dinner menu in Spanish?
How will I know what to say when making restaurant reservations?
How will I know what to say when serving and taking orders for the food?
How will I know how to order the food and how to use proper expressions of gratitude?
Lesson 7
How do I find a police station, pharmacy and a doctor's office?
How do I explain that I am feeling sick and what my sickness is?
How do I get a prescription filled?
What do I say to a police officer when I need help?