Lesson Title:  Lesson 5 - 

Created by:  Velda Schneider


Total Time:  Lesson 5, Day


Lesson Overview
Students will study and learn about Columbus’s 1st –4th voyages.  They will construct what they learn into creating their own visual maps.  Students will also figure out what use to be the names of some of the islands Christopher Columbus discovered, and what they are called today.


Standards Based Goal
My Spanish II students will gain knowledge and understanding of other people and cultures through the study of  the Spanish language. (National/State Standard #2)  Students will use Spanish to increase their understanding of Spanish and culture.  (National/State Standard #3)


Student Objectives
My Spanish II students will consistently provide examples from the Spanish culture describing the impact of these contributions on the world community.  (National/State Standard #2)  Students will consistently identify significant examples of historical and current events which shaped the Spanish culture and he or she applies knowledge of these events to understand the perspectives and behaviors of the people for the target culture.  (National/State Standard #5)  


Prerequisite Skills
Prior Knowledge of Subject area- Students will to need to be familiar with maps and some Spanish terminology.


Time Sequence

Sequence of Activities


Notes/Technical Considerations/Resources


Day 10

8 mins.




10 mins.


  22  mins.




  10 mins.









Connect to site and split students into groups of four at each site location.  Make sure handouts are there and ready to go.


Students will be given a handout on site that they can search to find navigational maps that Columbus used on his 4 voyages.


I will go over the mapping assignment handout with my students so that if they don’t understand something they can ask questions.  Also students might run into vocabulary words they are not quite sure of. 


This will be a good time for my students to be able to get started on their projects


Extended Activity/Homework:  There will be no homework, but if students have further questions I will be available for help to the remote and local sites via the WebCt chat room from 9 to 10 p.m.



Get the Vtel system ready and running.



Vtel/document camera


  Have handout available, and scissors, markers, poster board, and rulers ready to go.












Day 11


5 mins.



  40 mins.



5 mins.



Get the vtel up and running.  Ask if there are any questions and get students put into their groups for the poster board assignment.


Students will work on their map projects which will be presented the following day.


Extended Activity/Homework:  I will check very quickly to see that my students have completed their maps and will be ready to present them tomorrow on the Vtel system.



Vtel system


Special Considerations

Resource students will be grouped with other students for one on one help.


Teacher observation will be used at each site.  Students from each site will have to have the poster board of their maps finished for tomorrow.  I will check to make sure that all students finish the assignment, by having them hold up their maps so I can make sure that they are done or having the students send them to me.  I will be assessing them with the following rubric.


 Poster Presentations over Christopher Columbus’s 4 Voyages

Participation/Group Dynamics (45 pts. possible)


Completion of Task at Hand/On time (15 pts. possible)


Creativity/Research of Topic (40 pts. possible)


Total Points:


 The following sites to help students with this assignment and I would have wrote them on the SmartBoard or typed them up and had them ready for students to use in search of Christopher Columbus's Voyages and finding maps.  The students will use these sites to help them complete their mapping project and they would be given the Poster Presentation Grading Scale from up above. 

Here are the helpful sites for this lesson:

Nombre:  ____________________________  Fecha:  _________________

Students below is a list of sites that you can use to help aide you in your research:


Mapping Assignment

Nombre del gruppe:  ___________________ Fecha: ______________


Students will make maps in groups of 4 covering Christopher Columbus's 4 voyages.  Concepts you will focus on are listed below and I want you to brainstorm these ideas in your groups of 4 as you research the websites above to help you find information that would fit into each of these concept areas.


Concept 1 (The mapping route):




Concept 2 (The crew):




Concept 3 (The ships):




Concept 4 (The return voyage):




Concept 5 (Problems on the voyage):