Bienvenidos a club de espanol 2014-5!!



Spanish Club Members for 2014-15 are:

CONGRATULATIONS to the Spanish Club officers for the
2014-15 school year are as follows:
Spanish Club President:                         

Spanish Club Vice President: 
Spanish Club Secretary/Treasurer: 
Spanish Club Treasurer: 

The students involved in Spanish Club will be doing activities throughout the year to enhance their understanding of the Spanish cultures and teach other students in our school about the different Spanish cultures and countries that we will be studying.  Some activities that students have done in the past are: working concessions, going Christmas Caroling, giving secret santa gifts to people in the community and one another, celebrate many holidays and teacher elementary students about the Spanish culture. Students will be awarded a Spanish club shirt for being a member of Spanish Club and at the end of the year, they will be awarded a pin for participating and being actively involved in Spanish Club.

The Spanish club will work 2 concession games to earn money for Spanish Club.